
What is barge and various kinds

Barge or pontoons have flat hull or shaped a large box that floats, construction a barge without a shipboard system in general. A barge used for transporting cargo and drawn by tugs or used to accommodate shatt which dependent current the tides like a river and shallow port.

A barge not having a machine ( unpropelled ) that it must be drawn by tugs. Tug boat and barge inseparable. It can be said Inseparable because, without barge, tugboat can not carry much cargo. But because a barge unpropelled so tug boat role as barge motors. In the process berthing / unberthing a barge need help at least 1 tug boat additional, because in manufacturing a barge different from ships in general. 

Loading barge process can be done in 2 ways: 
1. With using conveyor.
2. With use truck through ram door

1. Loading Conveyor
loading process starts from stockpile cargo loaded using conveyor from above a barge. Altitude conveyor must above the height of a barge to cargo be loaded maximum. Loading with this method have requirements quantity cargo conveyor must be stable and supplies stockpile must charge enough, so that the stability of barge and cargo can reach.

Loading barge with conveyor

2 . Truck trailer loading 
with a trailer truck can be done by loaded the cargo with a truck. Through front or side of a barge in ram door. This process also requires bulldozer for stowage cargo and maximize space in a barge.
A barge has a size ranging from 180ft up with the 330ft.That there is between size 230ft, 270ft, and 300ft. Each the size having a maximum capacity of carrying capacity and all also depends on loaded goods to be.

I. 180 feet barge 
a barge with this capacity is the most common small provided by the barge.A barge 180 feet is able to haul up 2000 mt ( Depends on condition and types of cargo ).

II. 230 feet barge 
This barge is included medium-small sized and able to haul up with 4000 mt ( Depends on condition and types of cargo  ). 

III. 270 feet barge
This barge is able to haul up 6000 mt ( Depends on condition and types of cargo  ).

IV. 300 feet barge
This barge has size biggest, and this barge is widely used to carry weight and a great volume of cargo. This variety is able to haul up with 8000 mt (Depends on condition and types of cargo ).

*Note :
-180 ft Barge = Capacity 2000 MT
-200 ft Barge = Capacity 2500 MT
-230 ft Barge = Capacity 3000 MT
-250 ft Barge = Capacity 3500 MT
-270 ft Barge = Capacity 5000 MT
-270 ft jumbo Barge = Capacity 7000 MT
-300 ft banci Barge = Capacity 7000 MT
-300 ft Barge = Capacity 8000 MT
-330 ft Barge = Capacity 9000 ton
-330ft jumbo Barge = Capacity 11.000 MT


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